First Psychology – counselling | CBT | psychotherapy | coaching
Trauma/post-traumatic stress disorder therapy

Trauma therapy/PTSD therapy

We offer a range of therapies at our centres to support people who have experienced trauma or those suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These therapies include:  CBT,  EMDR – eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing,  counselling and  psychotherapy.

Therapy for trauma and PTSD

Evidence suggests that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the after-effects of other traumatic experiences (such as being in an accident, being assaulted, witnessing a violent crime, etc) respond well to specific kinds of psychological therapy, such as cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) and eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR). However sometimes clients instead prefer to come for counselling or psychotherapy to help deal with trauma-related issues. We have a great deal of experience in all of these approaches to trauma therapy. During your initial session, your practitioner will work with you to agree a therapy plan. This may include trying one particular type of therapy or a combination of approaches, depending on your individual circumstances and preferences.

Self help

There are many books about trauma that you may find helpful including:

One small step: moving beyond trauma and therapy to a life of joy by Yvonne Dolan
This book is full of techniques and exercises to help anyone to live well in the present and in the future despite past suffering. The book can be used as a series of exercises you think about, or as a format for a personal journal. The exercises are derived primarily from principles and psychotherapy techniques of solution-focused therapy. The book is organised in five sections. These include moving beyond survivorhood, enjoying the gifts of the present, creating a joyous future and responding to life’s challenges.

More information

Please  contact us  if you have any questions about our trauma/PTSD therapy services or to book an appointment with one of our practitioners experienced in working with the effects of trauma.
