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Therapy for students

We often think of students as carefree and having fun. Indeed, as a large proportion of students are young, we tend to think they won’t be weighed down by anxiety and stress. However, data from the Office of National Statistics during covid show that students experienced higher levels of anxiety and lower levels of happiness than the general population. 

Common contributors to poor student mental health

Some of the common factors which contribute to poor mental health in students are:
  • Being away from home and removed from family and friends who provide an emotional support network
  • Academic pressures
  • Financial worries – the rising cost of living 

Mental health and universities

While many universities and colleges have a mental health provision for students who are struggling, the resources vary throughout the UK. 

A study carried out in 2023 by Tab, a news site for students, and the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM), a suicide prevention charity, surveyed 4,000 UK university students and found that the majority of them were living with some mental health issues. More than half of these students were not willing to share their issues with their university and of those who had, 65% were not happy with the help they received. 

This is a worrying statistic because students who are away from their support networks either don’t feel able to seek help from their university or don’t feel that their university’s support has met their needs.

Common mental health issues in students

According to the same report, anxiety is the most common mental health issue experienced by students, but stress and loneliness are also not unusual. 

What’s clear from these studies is that while students may feel alone with their struggles, they most certainly are not. Whether they are worrying about meeting deadlines, exam results, social life or friendships, students are struggling and there is limited support available at universities and colleges to help them. 

Overseas students – additional concerns

Overseas students at UK educational institutions may also have the additional concerns of not being able to see their families as often, worrying about letting their families down who may have spent large sums of money to educate them, and dealing with cultural issues and language barriers. They may feel alone in a culture that is alien to them.

How we can help students

At First Psychology, we are experienced in working with students and young people with a wide range of issues. Anxiety, stress, loneliness, depression, eating disorders, and relationship issues are just some of the common issues that students seek our help for. 

Therapy sessions during term time and the holidays

First Psychology offers both in-person and online therapy and many of our student clients find it helpful to see someone in-person while away at university/college while continuing sessions online during the holidays. We offer daytime, evening and Saturday appointments so you can fit your sessions in around your studies and lifestyle. 

Parents of students

When your children leave home to go to university or college, it is already a stressful time. If you’re a parent of a young person who is away from home and struggling it can be even more stressful. We can help put your mind at rest. With their permission, we can speak to your young person in confidence and, if they wish, book them in for a session with one of our experienced practitioners.

All of our practitioners are handpicked and approved by us so you can rest assured that they are fully trained and experienced to work with your loved one. Once they have a booking, you can, if you wish, pay for their sessions online so they can focus on getting help rather than worrying about the cost of seeking help. 

Get in touch

Get in touch to find out more about our services for students.