First Psychology – counselling | CBT | psychotherapy | coaching

Your health insurance policy may cover you for sessions in psychological therapies or counselling.

We have some practitioners registered with a number of insurance companies including AXA PPP, Aviva, Standard Life, BUPA, CIGNA and WPA. We can also work with most EU and US-based insurance companies.

If you think you may wish to fund your sessions using your health insurance, you will need to contact your insurance provider who will be able to tell you if your policy covers psychological work – often referred to as ‘psychiatric benefit’ – and advise you what to do next.

Each insurance company has its own procedures for authorising counselling, CBT or psychotherapy. Some companies require a GP or psychiatrist (a medical doctor who specialises in mental illness) to refer you to a counsellor, psychologist, CBT therapist or psychotherapist while others are happy to refer you themselves.

If your insurer agrees to fund your sessions, they will inform you of any requirements with regards to the type of practitioner allowable under their terms and they will provide you with an authorisation code. You will need to provide both of these bits of information when you book your first appointment with us.
